Weight loss is simple, but not easy.
You don’t need some super specialized program.
You don’t need to start doing the keto diet
You don’t need to go to the gym
You don’t need to start exercising
You don’t need to hire a personal trainer and spend thousands of dollars
You don’t need to have a surgery
You don’t need to take supplements
You don’t need to change your life entirely
You do need these three things however
1) A reason to lose weight that is significant enough to motivate you
- This means more than just wantingto lose weight, there has to be a cost
- Health scares, not being able to play with kids, not being able to do the activates you want, Not feeling attractive enough or confident enough in your body to date
- If it’s not significant enough, it won’t happen. If you’ve tried to lose weight before and failed, this is generally why.
- It has to be YOUR reason though. Not because your spouse wants it, not because your doctor wants it, not because your friends or trainer wants it. YOU have to own it.
- Be HONEST with yourself – what is actually important for you.
2) A system
- Any diet works, any system works. Remember, weight loss is simple.
- Logistics are only 20% of the equation, the rest is mindset.
- The best system is the one you can do consistently, the one that you WILL do consistently. It needs to fit with your personality and eating preferences.
- Obviously you will need to change certain things, but it doesn’t mean you have to give up an entire food group to accomplish that.
- Small changes allow you to grow and change alongside them.
- The next phase of changes make have seemed impossible at the outset but will seem small once you are ready for them.
3) Accountability
- This can come from any source, but simply means that you have a something that overrides your tendency to struggle with some area.
- Friends, family, a coach, an online group, a wager. These all work, just recognize which will actually be objective and set things up in a failsafe way.
- Be honest and set up accountability that will remove your normal quitting point. Remember, I never said it would be easy!